Exposing Colombia’s dirty counter-insurgency operations

Researcher OLIVER DODD draws on interviews and field work to look at some of the tactics that the Latin American state, with the support and guidance of the US, has used against Marxist rebels in its 50-year civil war IN the late 1990s and early 2000s when Colombia’s civil war existentially threatened capitalist interests in… Read More Exposing Colombia’s dirty counter-insurgency operations

Amid intensifying state repression, Colombia’s ELN imposes an ‘armed strike’

OLIVER DODD reports on the National Liberation Army’s general strike backed up with guns FOR 72 hours in February, transport and industry across Colombia was severely impaired as militants lent the weight of their weapons to anti-neoliberal protesters. Causing massive damage to capitalist accumulation, uniquely, the ELN’s aim was to persuade Colombia’s government and dominant… Read More Amid intensifying state repression, Colombia’s ELN imposes an ‘armed strike’